What are toothpaste tablets?

"What are toothpaste tablets?"

Maybe you’re thinking: “What’s this? Tablets for your teeth?? I’ve been brushing with regular paste from a tube all my life, what’s wrong with that?” But believe us, sustainable, natural dental tablets are the eco toothpaste of the future. They’re not only better for your teeth and general health, because they don’t contain micro plastics or other harmful chemicals. They’re much better for the planet as well! Each year, millions of plastic tubes end up in incinerators, on landfills, or in the ocean. That’s not okay, it’s time for a toothpaste revolution!

Smyle Toothpaste Tablets

So we started making the best all-natural, plastic free toothpaste tablets, right here in the Smyle Factory. CO2 neutral mail delivers them to your home, where you keep them in a nice glass storage bottle. We use natural ingredients and plastic-free packaging only.

Brushing with Smyle is easy! Take a dental tablet and chew on it, before brushing your teeth with a wet brush, like always. Crush, brush, Smyle!

You can order Smyle toothpaste tabs whenever and however you want, although it’s easiest and most economical to subscribe. That way you’ll always have fresh new toothpaste tabs at the best price. To complete your new brushing ritual, we offer a nice bamboo toothbrush!

Wanna make a difference? Join today!

Check out Smyle collection here.



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