Let’s all BE the change we want to SEE!

"Let’s all BE the change we want to SEE!"

At Smyle we are all about positive action and a yes-we-can attitude! 

However, we absolutely understand that it’s not always easy to stay positive when the news reports about climate change and pollution are so alarming.

What we can tell you is this: 

Yes, we need our governments, companies, and brands to rise to the occasion and take their responsibility in securing a liveable, green future for the next generations.

At the same time, WE can all set our minds to making little changes in our daily lives that will have substantial impact on the long run.

At Smyle HQ, we have a very simple, yet very effective little trick for this purpose. Before we do or buy something, we check if there’s a planet-friendly alternative available. 

Being a Smyler, you’ve obviously been on to this trick for a while, as you choose to brush sustainably. Nice work! Are you also applying the trick to other products you use daily, such as other personal care products, or clothes, or food?

Together we can make a big difference!


Have a great day,

Almar, Dennis, Roger


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