How We Started Smyle

"How We Started Smyle"

We just wanted to share our story about why we started Smyle

We (AlmarRoger and Dennis) met in midst of 2019. We all have entrepreneurial backgrounds, skills and knowledge that complements each other and we share a burning mission: make this world a better place. Create impact!!

We want to transform industries for the better. What better way than to do this in a field where we have expertise already! That's how Smyle was born. We want to revolutionise dental care!

Plastic tubes were already the non-recyclable backbone for dental care for decades. So that's easier said than done. Each year 20 billion get produced.

smyle toothpaste tabs

We also knew that the recyclability of tubes is not a solution (sorry Colgate). Though recyclability is well intended, producing new tubes is almost always way cheaper than recycling new ones. so the economics never add up..

We were also shocked by how many non-healthy ingredients we put in our mouths twice a day as part of our toothpaste. Microplastics, and artificial foaming agents, dyes, fillers and so on.

So, we started searching for new solutions and that's how we encountered toothpaste in a tab. A brilliant idea. It did exist already, but it was not that mainstream as it was not tasty and the effect was not proven. 

So, we took a deep dive in the Tab! We wanted to develop the best tab there is. It was a long and exhausting journey, finding a producer, testing all kinds of tabs and create the best combination of functionality, taste, structure, dissolving properties and aftertaste.

In March 2020 we found it! We were ready for the next step! We had our soft launch in April 2020, our hard launch in July after which we started to sell it and get the first feedback! 

We're so happy and grateful that we've been able to save hundreds of thousands of tubes already in over 50 countries from ending up our oceans, rivers, waste dumps and incineration ovens worldwide.

Thank you that you've joined us in our mission and we hope you'll stay with us.

If there's anything we can do to make you happier or to improve our product our service, just let us know by replying to this mail.



Almar, Dennis and Roger


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