Do you still brush with (micro)plastic?

"Do you still brush with (micro)plastic?"

When we think about brushing our teeth, we all have this image of healthy freshness, and why not? Your breath smells minty, your teeth are clean, what’s not to like?

Well, you’ll be surprised! There’s a fair chance you’re taking in a substantial gulp of quite unhealthy micro-plastics every time you brush. These super small particles that are used in most regular toothpastes give your teeth a sort of scrub. Still, already ten years ago large manufacturers expressed the intention to ban them, because of their harmful properties. Contrary to this intention, it seems that most toothpastes we find in supermarkets still contain these hazardous little plastic balls.

Beat The Microbead is an organization that truly dived into the matter and came to the conclusion that more than halve of regular pastes and mouthwashes is loaded with micro-plastics. And yes, this also goes for supermarkets. The thing is, micro-plastics are not only bad for your health, they are extremely polluting when they end up in nature. This has to stop! If you want to know what’s in your brand of toothpaste, have a look here.

Luckily there’s an alternative in the form of entirely plastic-free toothpaste tablets. Using Smyle means avoiding micro-plastics and plastic tubes. We use natural ingredients only, so brushing with Smyle is the healthiest way to take care of your teeth. For you, and for the planet. The tablets come in recyclable paper sachets and you’ll receive them via CO2 neutral mail delivery. To keep them fresh, we’ll give you a nice reusable glass bottle.

We think that this is the best, sustainable choice for everybody, but obviously you don’t have to take our word for it. Check out the many positive reviews from our community. Would you like to try Smyle?


Want to start brushing without (micro)plastic? Try Smyle now with 15% discount. USE code: NOPLASTIC here.

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